In the world of luxury brand activations and large corporate events, where elegance meets precision, the art of calligraphy and hand engraving stands as a timeless hallmark of sophistication. Amidst the hustle and bustle of travelling to and from Chicago for these events and creating one of a kind pieces of art for hours on end, even the most dedicated artists need a moment to step back, recharge, and prepare for the whirlwind of live events that lie ahead for the fall and holiday season.
For the live event calligrapher, working mostly in the luxury brand and corporate setting, the month of August offers a gift through a break from the demanding world of working live engagements. It is a time to pause the pen, set aside the meticulous details, and simply breathe. I have found solace through this much needed respite, knowing that only through taking care of myself can creativity truly flourish. This step back from crowded events and the energy and attention to detail needed in order to work these events successfully has allowed me to let go of the pressure of perfection that often accompanies the art of calligraphy and hand engraving.
I won't lie, this month of rest did not come without a warning sign from my body that I needed to do so. I have only had a handful of migraines in my life but while in Chicago for a weekend working a few live engraving events at the end of July, I had the worst migraine of my life and ended up in the emergency room. Luckily my family was with me and I was given great care - shout out to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center in Lakeview - and had a wonderful calligrafriend step in and finish the weekend events for me - shout out Nicole at Sweet Letters Calligraphy! I am not sure what initiated the migraine but I took it as a sign that I needed to take a little break and use the month of August to rest and rejuvenate. August is typically my slowest month for live calligraphy and engraving events anyway so that worked out well and it also gives me the perfect opportunity to plan and prepare for busy fall and holiday season full of live events both with luxury brands as well as corporate gatherings.
But make no mistake - this break is not a sign of Letters from Elliott slowing down. Instead it serves as a strategic interlude, a necessary pause before the grand crescendo of the holiday season. Behind the scenes, preparations are underway, contracts are being signed, travel plans arranged for the busy season of live calligraphy, bottle painting, and engraving events in and around the Chicago area.
With an eye on upcoming live events, I have been meticulously planning and organizing, ensuring that every detail is perfected in order to create an unforgettable experience for all clients and event attendees. From selecting and using the finest materials to curating and creating a one of kind experience, every element is thoughtfully brought together to reflect the elegance and precision that define the art of calligraphy and hand engraving.
Remember to follow me for all the latest updates and sneak peeks behind the scenes of my upcoming live events as well as some from my home studio!